Equitation – Tack, Trends
QUESTION: In an Equitation class, do you consider the bit and the martingale? Regarding shin boots, hind boots, bell boots, polos, etc. – do they take away from or add to “the look?”
A balanced horse that moves naturally through collection exemplifies a rider’s equitation. Trainers and riders use various bits, aids and tack in order to achieve rideability and smoothness in a performance that shows off a rider’s horsemanship. Regulation snaffles, pelhams and full bridles, all with cavesson nose bands, are allowed. Boots and conservative colored bandages are permitted. A judge at his own discretion can penalize a horse with nonconventional types of bits or nose bands.
Given the range of bits, martingales, and equipment allowed in equitation classes, our experts comment on the equipment that detracts from a round and their preferences in tack that enhance an equitation performance.
Judges’ Answers to this question:
Danny Robertshaw:
Scott Williamson:
Bucky Reynolds:
Mike Rosser:
Frank Willard:
Keith Hastings: